D.A. Townley.  -  Plan Administrators    



Marital Breakdown Forms

Pension assets are an important part of the savings of the Member of the Plan and are considered to be part of the family assets. The Family Relations Act is the provincial law in British Columbia that governs how all family assets, including pensions, are divided when the marriage ends.

The Act states that both spouses are entitled to a share of any pension earned by either spouse during a marriage. It also clearly sets out how the Administrator is to split the pension assets between the spouses in order to ensure that both parties receive a fair division of retirement income.

The division of pension assets is not automatic after a separation or divorce. The former spouse of the Plan Member must apply to the Plan Administrator for the division of the pension using the applicable forms.

First, the former spouse should complete the Claim of Spouse to Interest in Member's Pension (Form 1) - BC to notify the Plan Administrator of the former spouse's legal interest in the Member's pension.

If the separation agreement or court order dividing the Member's pension was dated after July 1, 1995, the former spouse should also complete the Request for Transfer from Unmatured Defined Contribution Plan (Form 3) - BC to split the Member's pension. If the separation agreement or court order was dated prior to July 1, 1995, the former spouse should use the Request in Relation to a Matured Pension Divided under an Agreement or Court Order made before July 1, 1995 (Form 5) - BC to direct the Plan Administrator on how to split the Member's pension.

Once the Plan Administrator has received any of these forms from the former spouse, the Administrator will send a Notice of Receipt (Form 6) - BC to the Plan Member to notify them of the former spouse's claim. This form is for informational purposes only. No action is required by the Plan Member if he/she receives this form from the Plan Administrator.

Questions on completing the forms should be directed to the Plan Administrator.

Completed forms should be forwarded to the Plan Administrator.

Plan Administrator
Millworkers Pension Plan (Unifor) Administrator
c/o D.A. Townley.
160 – 4400 Dominion Street
Burnaby, BC V5G 4G3

Phone: 604-299-7482 or 1-800-663-1356
Fax: 604-299-8136

Email: Pension


Related Links
Claim of Spouse
to Interest in Member's Pension (Form 1)
Request for Transfer from an Unmatured DCP (Form 3)
Request in relation to Matured Pension
(Form 5)
Notice of Receipt
(Form 6)
Marital Breakdown Information
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