D.A. Townley.  -  Plan Administrators    



Application for Withdrawal of Pension Contributions Form

Use the Application for Withdrawal of Pension Contributions form if you have terminated from the Pension Plan and want to withdraw your pension funds from the Plan.

Select the appropriate form on the right side, based on the Member's province of residence.

You must also compete the Declaration of Applicant on Removal of Funds form.

Information Needed to Complete the Form
The Member's personal information is needed to complete the form. In addition, you must select how you wish to receive your pension funds that are to be paid out.

Your local union must complete its section of the form before you send it to the Plan Administrator.

Please follow the instructions on the form.

You can only withdraw your pension funds if you are 'eligible'.

To be 'eligible' for withdrawal, the Member must either:

a) be fully vested and have terminated Union membership for 18 months; or,

b) be fully vested and worked less than 350 hours in the last 2 consecutive Plan years.

If your Pension contributions are 'locked-in', you must complete the Royal Trust Locked-in Funds Form in addition to this form. If your Pension contributions are not 'locked-in', you must complete the Direct Transfer of a Single Amount (T2151) in addition to this form. The Plan Administrator can tell you if your contributions are 'locked-in' or not.

Questions on completing the form should be directed to the Plan Administrator.

Completed forms should be forwarded to the Plan Administrator.

Plan Administrator
Millworkers Pension Plan (Unifor) Administrator
c/o D.A. Townley.
160 – 4400 Dominion Street
Burnaby, BC V5G 4G3

Phone: 604-299-7482 or 1-800-663-1356
Fax: 604-299-8136

Email: Pension


Form Link
Withdrawal of Pension Contributions
- British Columbia
- Alberta

Related Links
Declaration of Applicant on Removal of Funds Form
Royal Trust Locked-in Funds Form
Direct Transfer of a Single Amount (T2151)
Termination Information
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