D.A. Townley.  -  Plan Administrators      



Extended Health

Extended Health Care

Insurer: Self-Insured 
Policy #: 9000 

  • Overall Maximum: $1,000,000 Lifetime
  • 80% reimbursement up to first $1000 (paid) 100% thereafter, per calendar year
  • Hospital: private & semi-private (deductible does not apply)
  • Drugs: Prescription - DRUG CARD - Generic only
    • Oral ContraUnifortives and IUD's Included
    • Includes Fertility drugs limited to Lifetime maximum of 3 cycles
    • Smoking Cessation limited to 3 months supply / lifetime
  • Paramedics: Reimbursed @ 80% per practitioner:
    • Chiropractor, Naturopath and Podiatrist maximum $200 per calendar year
    • Speech Therapy & Acupuncture maximum $100 per calendar year
    • Massage Therapy maximum $300 per calendar year
    • Physiotherapy unlimited
  • Private Duty Nursing: $10,000/yr; $25,000 lifetime max
  • Hearing Aids: 80% to a maximum of $2500 every 5 years
  • Orthopedic Shoes: 1 pair / yr to a maximum of $150
  • Foot Orthotics: 1 pair / yr to a maximum of $300
  • Eye exams: $65 / 24 months
  • Emergency ambulance charges to nearest hospital equipped to provide medical treatment
  • Wigs: $1,000 lifetime maximum (for hair loss due to chemotherapy treatment)
  • Medical Supplies and Equipment including but not limited to:
    • canes and walkers, crutches, casts, burn garments, eye prosthesis, apnea monitors, CPAP machines, splints, oxygen and oxygen supplies, mastectomy bras ( two per calendar year) - [some of these items will need medical evidence to support the purchase]
  • Out of Country referrals: 80% to a $50,000 lifetime maximum

*An employee can waive these benefits if that individual provides proof that he/she has comparable benefits through their spouse's plan. If no proof is provided all benefits will be considered mandatory.


Group Out-of-Country/Province Emergency Medical/Travel Coverage 

Insurer: E.T.F.S./Viator 
Policy #: 32446331 

  • Reimbursed @ 100% to a maximum of $1 million per individual event
  • Maximum 60 day coverage
  • Coverage terminates at age 70 


Vision Care 

Insurer: Self-Insured
Policy #: 9000 

  • Reimbursement: 80%
  • Maximum: $400 every 12 months
  • Deductible: None
  • Laser Eye Surgery to a lifetime maximum of $1000.00


Travel Assistance Plan 

Insurer: Self-Insured 
Policy #: 9000 

This benefit assists members to reach the nearest specialized medical services where such services are not available locally.

  • $25.00 deducted from the cost of return fare, balance reimbursed @ 85%.
  • On a doctor's recommendation, the fare of an accompanying member of the family or guardian will be reimbursed.
  • Per diem allowance of $60.00 per day for meals and expenses to a maximum of 4 days.
  • Up to $80/day additional reimbursement of accommodation expenses (receipts required).
  • The program will reimburse a maximum of 4 claims per family member per illness.


Form Link
Extended Health Benefits Claim Form (English)
Extended Health Benefits Claim Form (French)

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